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Why 'Undercover Autie'?
Because I spent 26 years passing as a neurotypical person and am often met with surprise when I tell people about my diagnosis.
Is autism a learning disability/ mental illness?
No. You can be autistic and have a learning disability and/or mental illness, but autism itself is neither. It has been called a developmental disorder, but within the framework of neurodiversity, many prefer to call it a neurological difference or neurotype.
Is autism a disability?
While autism isn’t a learning disability, many autistic people do consider it to be a disability.
Is there a cure for autism?
No. Autism is not an illness so it cannot be ‘cured’. Most autistic people do not want to be 'cured': see this survey.
What do these abbreviations stand for?
ASD - Autism Spectrum Disorder
ASC - Autism Spectrum Condition
NT - Neurotypical (someone without autism or another neurological difference, eg: ADHD)
ND - Neurodivergent (someone with a neurological difference like autism)
Autie - Short for autistic